Running Services

Running Assessment

One-time service, one hour long

Start your journey with us. In one hour, we will discuss your training history and running goals, observe your running and movement patterns and techniques, and synthesize information to kickstart or amplify your training success.

A man running in brisk weather next to the water on a concrete path.

Running Programming

Daily instructions, enroll on a monthly basis

We can develop running programs that will guide you toward your goals. Weekly contact will help us mold your unique programming for every day of the upcoming week, telling you how long to run, at what speed, and on what terrain. You subscribe for this service on a monthly basis.

A woman running down a road path surrounded by woods.

Return Assessment

One hour, stand-alone service (reoccurring as desired)

You already benefitted from our unique Running Assessment and have employed the techniques and suggestions offered in our debriefing. You put in the work, but you need a thorough check-in and a chance to hash out new ideas to continue your progress. Come back for another hour-long Return Assessment, again guided by your individualized needs!